How to turn off Windows Defender?
In Windows nowadays, Microsoft Defender Antivirus is a built-in anti-malware solution designed to protect your computer and data from unwanted viruses, ransomware, spyware, and many other kinds of malware attacks. Disabling Microsoft Defender can also disable any other antivirus programs, such as McAfee.
Follow the steps to disable Microsoft Defender Antivirus permanently (or temporarily) on your device.
To turn on Windows Defender:
- Direct to Control Panel and double click on “Windows Defender”.
- After that Windows Defender information window, the user is informed that the Defender is turned off.
- Click on the link and Turn on and open Windows Defender
- Close all windows
- Restart the computer.
- Windows Defender should generally be running.
To turn off Windows Defender On Windows 7:
- Direct to Control Panel and then click on “Windows Defender” to open it.
- Select “Tools” and then “Options”.
- Select “Administrator” in the left pane.
- Uncheck the “Use this program” checkbox.
- Click on “Save” and “Close” in the resulting Windows Defender information window.
- Restart the computer to turn off Windows Defender.
After following these steps, the antivirus will disable the real-time protection, and allowing you to install apps or make a specific system change that you weren’t able to before because the security feature was blocking the action.
So to turn on the Window Defender again follow these steps To turn on Windows Defender:
- Direct to Control Panel and double click on “Windows Defender”.
- After that Windows Defender information window, the user is informed that the Defender is turned off in your window.
- Click on the link and click on it to turn it on.
- Close all windows
- Restart the computer.
- Windows Defender should generally be running.
Installing a third-party antivirus such as McAfee will not disable Microsoft Defender but will make it inactive by default. If your security program is deactivated for any reason, and you will not be without protection. But that’s not the permanent solution, and you can disable it with these methods.
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