H.S.Y Childhood: America, London, Europe & Darul Aman Life

Published on Jul 12, 2024 by

H.S.Y Childhood: America, London, Europe & Darul Aman Life

In a recent appearance on Ahmed Butt’s podcast, celebrated fashion designer and actor Hassan Sheheryar Yasin, popularly known as H.S.Y, opened up about his tumultuous childhood and the challenging journey that shaped his illustrious career in fashion.

Born to parents who were first cousins, HSY’s family life took a drastic turn when his parents divorced shortly after his birth. His father, Mian Hamid Yasin, was a notable figure in the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and maintained close ties with influential personalities like former Punjab Chief Minister Mustafa Khar. Despite his family’s affluence, the divorce had a profound impact on H.S.Y’s early life.

H.S.Y Childhood Darul Aman Life

Following the separation, H.S.Y’s mother, concerned about the custody of her son, moved them frequently between several countries, including America, Britain, and various parts of Europe. This nomadic lifestyle was a measure to prevent her ex-husband from taking their son away. During these years, H.S.Y also spent some challenging times with his mother in Darul Aman, a sanctuary where children were typically not allowed. They lived there quietly, ensuring they remained unnoticed to avoid expulsion.

H.S.Y’s early exposure to diverse cultures came at a cost. He started working at the tender age of 12, taking up jobs at a petrol station, a burger shop, and even on construction sites lifting bricks. This phase of hard labor continued until he was 15, when he and his mother returned to Pakistan. At this time, H.S.Y did not know Urdu due to his upbringing abroad.

H.S.Y Did Not Know Urdu

Adversity struck again when H.S.Y was involved in a severe road accident that resulted in temporary blindness and significant facial injuries, requiring over 400 stitches. Through multiple surgeries and immense resilience, he eventually regained his sight and his face gradually healed.

The turning point in H.S.Y’s life came from an unexpected inspiration during his childhood. He recounted watching Lady Diana’s wedding with his mother and being mesmerized by the elegance of her white dress. This moment planted the seed of becoming a fashion designer in his young mind, a dream that he pursued relentlessly.

H.S.Y Life Turning Point

In 1994, H.S.Y’s professional break came when he was selected in a fashion show audition in Lahore. Among the interviewers was Amna Malik, daughter of Mustafa Khar and a fashion designer herself. This opportunity marked the beginning of his career, setting the stage for him to become a distinguished name in the fashion industry.

H.S.Y’s journey from a turbulent childhood to fame is a testament to his determination and the profound influence of his early experiences on his creative expressions. Today, he stands as a symbol of resilience and innovation in the global fashion arena.


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About the Author: Gulrukh Chaudhary

Gulrukh Chaudhary, an accomplished digital marketer and technology writer with a passion for exploring the frontiers of innovation. Armed with a Master's degree in Information Technology, Gulrukh seamlessly blends her technical prowess with her creative flair, resulting in captivating insights into the world of emerging technologies. Discover more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

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