50 Custodial Supervisor Interview Questions With Answers

Published on Feb 21, 2024 by

Custodial Supervisor Interview Questions With Answers

Are you preparing for an interview for a custodial supervisor position? Congratulations! You’ve landed an interview for a leadership role in the custodial industry. As a custodial supervisor, you will be responsible for managing a team of custodial staff, ensuring the cleanliness and maintenance of a facility, and overseeing the budget and supplies. To help you prepare for your interview, we’ve compiled a list of 50 custodial supervisor interview questions with answers. Use these questions to practise and gain confidence for your interview.

Contents show

General Questions

General Questions

1. What motivated you to apply for this position?

I’ve always been passionate about maintaining high standards of cleanliness and safety, which are crucial in any facility. With several years of experience in the custodial field, progressing into a supervisory role seemed like a natural step for me. I am motivated by the opportunity to lead a team to achieve exceptional results and make a positive impact on the environment we care for. Additionally, I am drawn to the challenges and responsibilities that come with this position, as they align with my career goals and desire for professional growth.

2. What experience do you have in the custodial industry?

I have over five years of experience working in the custodial industry, starting as a custodian and working my way up to a lead custodian role. Throughout my career, I’ve gained extensive knowledge in cleaning techniques, safety protocols, and the use of industrial cleaning equipment. I’ve also been responsible for training new staff, conducting inspections, and ensuring compliance with health and safety standards. My experience has equipped me with a solid understanding of best practices in custodial services and the ability to efficiently manage and motivate a team.

3. What do you think are the most important qualities for a custodial supervisor to possess?

I believe the most important qualities for a custodial supervisor include strong leadership and communication skills, attention to detail, and a commitment to safety and cleanliness standards. A good supervisor must also be adaptable, able to solve problems effectively, and have the ability to inspire and motivate their team. Additionally, having a thorough understanding of cleaning procedures and safety protocols, along with the ability to train and guide staff, are crucial for ensuring high-quality custodial services.

4. How do you handle conflicts within a team?

When handling conflicts within a team, I first ensure that I understand the perspectives of all parties involved. I approach the situation with empathy and maintain neutrality, facilitating a constructive dialogue between the parties. My goal is to identify the root cause of the conflict and work towards a mutually agreeable solution, emphasising the importance of teamwork and respect in the workplace. If necessary, I will implement conflict resolution strategies, such as mediation or team-building activities, to strengthen team cohesion and prevent future conflicts.

5. How do you prioritise tasks and delegate responsibilities?

I prioritise tasks based on urgency, importance, and the specific needs of the facility. I assess the workload and capabilities of my team, and then delegate responsibilities accordingly, ensuring that each team member’s strengths are utilised effectively. I also consider deadlines and any special requests or requirements. Communication is key, so I make sure to clearly explain tasks, expectations, and deadlines to my team, and I am always available to provide guidance and support.

6. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not meeting expectations?

When a team member is not meeting expectations, I first seek to understand the reasons behind their performance issues. I schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss their challenges and provide constructive feedback. Together, we develop an action plan that may include additional training, adjusting their workload, or setting specific performance goals. I offer my support and monitor their progress, ensuring they have the resources and guidance needed to improve.

7. How do you ensure the safety of your team and the facility?

I ensure the safety of my team and the facility by conducting regular safety training sessions, ensuring that all team members are familiar with and adhere to safety protocols and guidelines. I perform routine inspections of equipment and the facility to identify and address potential hazards. I also encourage a culture of safety where team members are empowered to report unsafe conditions or practices. Keeping up-to-date with industry standards and regulations is also a priority to ensure our practices are compliant and effective.

8. How do you handle a situation where a team member is injured on the job?

In the event of a workplace injury, my immediate priority is the well-being of the injured team member. I ensure they receive the necessary medical attention promptly. I then follow our organisation’s protocol for reporting and documenting the incident, including conducting an investigation to determine the cause and implementing measures to prevent future occurrences. I also communicate with the team to address any concerns and reinforce the importance of safety practices.

9. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following safety protocols?

If a team member is not following safety protocols, I address the issue directly and promptly. I remind them of the importance of safety rules and the potential consequences of non-compliance, both for their personal safety and the well-being of the team. I provide additional training or clarification on the protocols if needed. Repeat offences may result in disciplinary action, as outlined in our company’s policies, to emphasise the seriousness of our safety standards.

10. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following company policies?

When a team member is not following company policies, I schedule a private meeting to discuss their actions and the importance of adherence to policies for the team’s efficiency and the company’s reputation. I provide clear examples of how their behaviour violates policies and discuss potential consequences. We then explore solutions or adjustments to align their behaviour with company standards. Continuous non-compliance would lead to following our disciplinary process, always aiming for a constructive resolution that encourages compliance and professional growth.

Leadership and Management Questions

Leadership and Management Questions

Addressing leadership and management questions in the context of a custodial supervisor role involves demonstrating a blend of assertiveness, empathy, clear communication, and problem-solving skills. Here are how these situations could be handled effectively:

11. How do you motivate your team to perform at their best?

To motivate my team, I focus on creating a positive and supportive work environment. I acknowledge and reward their hard work and achievements, which fosters a sense of accomplishment and belonging. I also ensure clear communication of goals and expectations, and involve the team in decision-making processes, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Providing opportunities for professional development and recognizing individual strengths and contributions are key strategies to keep the team motivated and engaged.

12. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not meeting their goals?

When a team member is not meeting their goals, I arrange a private meeting to discuss their performance in a constructive manner. Together, we explore the challenges they are facing and identify any support or resources they might need. Setting clear, achievable goals and a timeline for improvement, along with regular check-ins, helps guide them back on track while ensuring they feel supported throughout the process.

13. How do you handle a situation where a team member is consistently underperforming?

For consistent underperformance, a more structured approach is necessary. After initial discussions and support efforts, if there’s no improvement, I would implement a performance improvement plan (PIP) tailored to their specific challenges. This plan includes clear expectations, milestones, and support mechanisms. It’s important to communicate that the goal is to help them succeed, but also make clear the consequences of continued underperformance, in line with company policies.

14. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following instructions?

If a team member is not following instructions, I first seek to understand why. There may be a misunderstanding, lack of clarity, or other underlying issues. After clarifying the expectations and the importance of following instructions for team efficiency and safety, I monitor their progress and provide feedback. Persistent issues would then be addressed through more formal disciplinary actions as per company guidelines.

15. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not getting along with their colleagues?

Addressing interpersonal conflicts involves facilitating open and respectful communication between the parties involved. I would mediate a meeting to discuss the issues at hand and work towards a mutual understanding and agreement on how to move forward positively. Promoting team-building activities and a culture of respect and collaboration is also crucial in preventing such issues.

16. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not respecting their superiors?

Disrespect towards superiors affects team morale and undermines authority. I address this by clearly communicating the expectations for professional behaviour and respect within the team. Discussing the issue privately with the individual, I seek to understand the root cause and work towards a resolution. If the behaviour persists, it would be escalated according to the company’s disciplinary procedures.

17. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not respecting company policies?

Non-compliance with company policies is addressed by first reminding the team member of the importance of these policies and the role they play in maintaining a safe and efficient workplace. If the behaviour continues, I would implement a formal warning and possibly a corrective action plan, emphasising the potential consequences of further violations, including termination.

18. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not respecting safety protocols?

Safety is non-negotiable. I would immediately address any breach of safety protocols by reiterating their importance and the potential risks involved. Providing additional training and resources to ensure understanding and compliance is critical. Continued disregard for safety protocols would result in disciplinary actions, as safeguarding the well-being of all employees is a top priority.

19. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not respecting the facility?

“Disrespect towards the facility is addressed by highlighting the impact of their actions on the workplace environment and their colleagues. Implementing corrective measures, such as assigning them to clean up or repair the damage they caused, can be effective. Continuous disrespect would lead to disciplinary actions, emphasising the importance of maintaining a clean, safe, and respectful working environment.”

20. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not respecting the equipment?

Misuse or disrespect of equipment is immediately addressed by explaining the consequences of their actions, including the potential for injury and the cost of repairs or replacements. I would ensure the team member receives proper training on equipment use and maintenance. Persistent negligence or disrespect would lead to disciplinary measures, stressing the importance of responsibility and care for company assets.

Technical Questions

Technical Questions

Certainly! Here are answers tailored for the technical aspects of a custodial supervisor role, focusing on experience with cleaning equipment and supplies, adherence to cleaning procedures, and maintenance of facilities.

21. What experience do you have with cleaning equipment and supplies?

I have extensive experience with a wide range of cleaning equipment and supplies, including automatic floor scrubbers, carpet extractors, pressure washers, and various types of vacuums. I am familiar with the use and maintenance of these tools, as well as with eco-friendly and traditional cleaning chemicals. Over the years, I’ve gained knowledge on the most effective products and techniques for different cleaning tasks, ensuring both efficiency and safety in cleaning practices.

22. How do you ensure that cleaning supplies are properly stored and used?

I ensure cleaning supplies are properly stored and used by implementing and enforcing clear storage guidelines that comply with safety and health regulations. This includes labelling and categorising chemicals, ensuring MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) are accessible, and training staff on the correct use of each product, including dilution rates and protective equipment requirements. Regular audits of storage areas help maintain organisation and prevent accidents.

23. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not using cleaning supplies correctly?

When a team member is not using cleaning supplies correctly, I address the issue promptly to prevent any safety hazards or inefficiencies. I provide a demonstration of the correct usage, emphasising the importance of following product instructions and safety guidelines. I also assess whether additional training or resources are needed for the team member to perform their duties safely and effectively.

24. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly maintaining equipment?

If a team member is not properly maintaining equipment, I first assess the extent of the issue and provide immediate corrective instruction on the proper maintenance practices. I then review maintenance protocols with the entire team to reinforce the importance of equipment care, offering additional training sessions if necessary. Regular maintenance checks are scheduled to ensure compliance and to address any issues before they escalate.

25. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following cleaning procedures?

In situations where a team member is not following cleaning procedures, I take the opportunity to retrain them on the correct procedures, emphasising why these protocols are in place (for safety, efficiency, and quality). I encourage questions and offer guidance to ensure they understand the expectations. If the behaviour persists, I may consider further disciplinary action in line with company policy.

26. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly disposing of waste?

When a team member is not properly disposing of waste, I immediately correct the behaviour and provide clear instructions on proper disposal practices, including segregation of recyclables, handling of hazardous waste, and compliance with environmental regulations. I reinforce the importance of these practices in training sessions and monitor compliance closely to prevent future occurrences.

27. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly handling hazardous materials?

Improper handling of hazardous materials is addressed with urgency. I ensure the team member is stopped and the situation is made safe. Then, I provide immediate retraining on the correct handling procedures, including personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, material storage, and emergency response protocols. This incident would also prompt a review of our training and procedures to prevent similar issues.

28. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch areas?

If a team member is not properly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch areas, I provide them with specific feedback and demonstrate the correct techniques and products to use. I emphasise the importance of these tasks in preventing the spread of germs and ensure they understand the correct frequency and methods for effective disinfection.

29. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly cleaning and maintaining floors?

I address this issue by first showing the correct methods for floor cleaning and maintenance, tailored to the specific type of flooring. This includes the appropriate cleaning solutions, equipment settings, and techniques. I then monitor their performance to ensure improvement and compliance, providing additional support as needed.

30. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly cleaning and maintaining restrooms?

When a team member is not properly cleaning and maintaining restrooms, I conduct a detailed training session focusing on restroom hygiene practices, including the proper use of chemicals, attention to detail in high-touch areas, and periodic deep cleaning procedures. Continuous monitoring and feedback are provided to ensure standards are met consistently.

Budget and Supplies Questions

Budget and Supplies Questions

Addressing budget and supplies management is crucial for a custodial supervisor, ensuring efficient and effective cleaning operations. Here are responses to questions related to budget and supplies management within a custodial context.

31. How do you manage the budget for cleaning supplies and equipment?

I manage the budget for cleaning supplies and equipment by conducting regular inventory audits, comparing prices from different suppliers, and making bulk purchases for items we use frequently to benefit from discounts. I also keep track of usage rates to forecast future needs accurately and avoid overstocking. Implementing a check-out system for more expensive equipment helps prevent loss and damage, thereby extending the lifespan of our assets and keeping costs down.

32. How do you ensure that the facility has enough supplies for daily cleaning?

To ensure the facility has enough supplies for daily cleaning, I maintain a detailed inventory system that tracks usage rates and automatically signals when stock levels approach reorder points. Regular communication with cleaning staff helps anticipate increases in demand due to seasonal changes or special events. This proactive approach allows us to always have the necessary supplies on hand without excessive overstock.

33. How do you handle a situation where a team member is using too many supplies?

When a team member is using too many supplies, I first assess if the usage is justified due to increased cleaning needs. If not, I provide additional training on proper supply usage, emphasising the importance of following guidelines to prevent waste and maintain our budget. I also monitor their usage closely after the training to ensure compliance and adjust our training program if necessary to address any widespread issues.

34. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not using enough supplies?

If a team member is not using enough supplies, potentially compromising cleanliness standards, I address the issue by reviewing the proper usage guidelines with them, ensuring they understand the importance of maintaining our cleanliness standards. I also evaluate if additional training or resources are needed to help them perform their duties more effectively.

35. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly storing supplies?

Improper storage of supplies can lead to waste and safety hazards. I address this by immediately correcting the storage method and reiterating the storage protocols during team meetings. I also implement regular checks to ensure supplies are stored correctly and provide additional training sessions focused on organisation and safety practices if necessary.

36. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly ordering supplies?

If a team member is responsible for ordering supplies and is not performing this task correctly, I would first identify the root cause—whether it’s a lack of training, oversight, or understanding of the process. I would then provide clear instructions and guidelines on how to order supplies efficiently and accurately, possibly setting up a more streamlined process or approval system to avoid future issues.

37. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly tracking supply usage?

Proper tracking of supply usage is crucial for budget management. If a team member is failing in this area, I would implement a more structured tracking system, possibly using inventory management software, and train the team member on its importance and how to use the system effectively. Regular audits and checks would be scheduled to ensure compliance and accuracy.

38. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly disposing of expired supplies?

Disposing of expired supplies safely and correctly is essential. I would address this by providing specific training on how to identify and dispose of expired supplies according to safety and environmental regulations. I would also reinforce the importance of regular inventory checks to prevent supplies from expiring unnoticed.

39. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly maintaining equipment?

Proper maintenance of equipment is key to operational efficiency and budget management. I address this issue by providing comprehensive training on maintenance procedures, scheduling regular maintenance checks, and creating a culture where team members are responsible for the equipment they use. Non-compliance would lead to further training or disciplinary actions if necessary.

40. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not properly maintaining the budget?

If a team member is responsible for budget-related tasks and is not maintaining the budget correctly, I would first review the budgeting process with them to identify any misunderstandings or gaps in knowledge. Then, I’d provide additional training or resources to improve their budget management skills. Regular budget reviews and setting clear financial goals and guidelines would also be part of the approach to ensure adherence to our financial objectives.

Safety and Compliance Questions

Safety and Compliance Questions

Safety and compliance are paramount in custodial operations to protect staff, facility users, and the environment. Here are responses focused on ensuring and enforcing adherence to safety protocols, company policies, facility rules, and regulatory standards.

41. How do you ensure that your team is following safety protocols?

I ensure my team follows safety protocols by conducting regular training sessions that cover all relevant safety procedures and by providing clear, accessible written guidelines. I also perform frequent safety audits and drills to reinforce proper practices and encourage a culture of safety where team members feel responsible for not only their safety but also that of their colleagues. Recognizing and rewarding compliance with safety protocols is another method I use to promote a safe working environment.

42. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following safety protocols?

When a team member is not following safety protocols, I address the issue immediately to prevent any potential harm. I discuss the importance of the safety protocol with them, providing specific examples of the risks involved in non-compliance. Depending on the severity and frequency of the violations, I may implement corrective actions ranging from retraining to disciplinary measures, always emphasising the goal of safety and compliance.

43. How do you ensure that your team is following company policies?

Ensuring my team follows company policies begins with comprehensive onboarding training and regular updates whenever policies change. I make sure that all policies are clearly documented and easily accessible to the team. Regular meetings and communications are used to reinforce these policies, and I encourage an open-door policy for any questions or clarifications. Compliance is monitored through regular checks and feedback sessions.

44. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following company policies?

In situations where a team member is not following company policies, I first seek to understand why they are not in compliance. This involves a discussion where I listen to their perspective and then explain the rationale behind the policy, emphasising its importance. If necessary, additional training or reminders about the consequences of non-compliance are provided. Persistent non-compliance is addressed according to the disciplinary procedures outlined in our company’s HR policies.

45. How do you ensure that your team is following facility rules and regulations?

To ensure my team follows facility rules and regulations, I integrate these rules into our training programs and daily briefings. I also post reminders in key areas as visual cues. Regular walkthroughs and inspections help me monitor compliance, and I address any deviations immediately to reinforce their importance and prevent recurrence.

46. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following facility rules and regulations?

When a team member is not following facility rules and regulations, I address it directly and promptly, explaining the potential impact of their actions on safety and operations. We review the rules together, and I provide additional guidance or training if needed. Repeated offences may require more formal disciplinary actions, in line with our organisation’s protocols.

47. How do you ensure that your team is following OSHA regulations?

Ensuring compliance with OSHA regulations involves regular, comprehensive training sessions focused on workplace safety and hazard recognition, providing up-to-date materials and resources on OSHA standards, and conducting routine safety audits and inspections. I also encourage an environment where team members are comfortable reporting potential hazards and safety concerns.

48. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following OSHA regulations?

If a team member is not following OSHA regulations, I immediately intervene to correct the behaviour, providing specific feedback on the violation and its potential consequences. This is followed by retraining or a review of the relevant OSHA standards. Serious or repeated violations may lead to disciplinary action, as non-compliance can have severe safety implications.

49. How do you ensure that your team is following EPA regulations?

To ensure compliance with EPA regulations, especially regarding the use and disposal of chemicals and hazardous materials, I provide specialised training and easy access to EPA guidelines. I also implement strict inventory and disposal protocols to monitor and manage the use of such materials, ensuring environmental safety and compliance.

50. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not following EPA regulations?

In cases of non-compliance with EPA regulations, I take immediate corrective action to mitigate any potential environmental impact. This includes reviewing the proper procedures with the team member, emphasising the importance of these regulations for environmental protection. Depending on the severity, it might also involve retraining or disciplinary actions, in addition to reviewing and strengthening our protocols to prevent future incidents.


Preparing for an interview can be nerve-wracking, but with practice and preparation, you can ace your custodial supervisor interview. Use these 50 custodial supervisor interview questions with answers to help you prepare and gain confidence for your interview. Remember to be honest, confident, and showcase your leadership skills. Good luck!

About the Author: Gulrukh Chaudhary

Gulrukh Chaudhary, an accomplished digital marketer and technology writer with a passion for exploring the frontiers of innovation. Armed with a Master's degree in Information Technology, Gulrukh seamlessly blends her technical prowess with her creative flair, resulting in captivating insights into the world of emerging technologies. Discover more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

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