8-year-old Abid was a very good and smart child, but he always had a bitter attitude towards his younger sisters and other children, such as being rude, fighting, and sometimes forbidding to play in anger.
This kind of anger was so strange in such a small child that after a little investigation it was found out that both Abid’s mother and father are very angry. At the slightest provocation, the conversation and the attitude of the couple would be full of anger, then the issue of anger and rage would prevail even in the mutual problems of husband and wife and sometimes Abid would prove to be an easy target for both of them to vent their anger.
Thus, while enduring and observing the angry behavior, Abid became imperceptibly aggressive and its effects became more visible in ordinary life.
The more the anger waves in the home environment and the key people, the more the children’s thoughts and actions are molded in the same proportion.
It is true that we all get angry sometimes, sometimes when we are stuck in traffic, sometimes when we are not promoted in the office,
Sometimes we get angry when work is not done on time or even at the noise of children.
But the question is, how do we all react when we are angry? So today we will try to find the answer to this question in this short article.
To find the answer to this question we have to go to the root of the problem and see if we are caused by angry motives or causes and then we have to find possible ways to solve the problem.
The stimulus for adult anger
Children’s misbehavior, frustrating events such as getting stuck somewhere, office stress, financial or family disputes, jealousy or conspiracies and with it illness and fatigue
The stimulus of children’s anger
The triggers of anger in children are generally similar to those of adults, but they can also have other causes of anger, such as fighting with other children, not being allowed to work, ignoring children of the same age, school or Outbursts of violence, bullying, punishment or scolding, and sometimes health problems can also make them angry.
How to control anger?
Any immediate reaction to anger is usually harmful. Various mental, emotional or practical measures can be taken to calm oneself, some of which are as follows.
Timeout rule
It will be difficult at first, but if you try to make it a rule that as soon as the anger gets out of control, you will take a 15-minute break before reacting, so after a while when the nerves calm down, you will Will be able to talk well.
Mental activity
Any activity can be started to keep the mind busy, if you don’t understand anything else, immediately start counting from 100,
Start with 100 and end with one and repeat this process over and over again.
Spiritual activity
Take 10 or 20 deep breaths very slowly, this will directly normalize the mental chemical ‘adrenaline’ that causes anger. Emotions are also controlled by constantly repeating the words of prayer for spiritual practice.
Physical activity
Exercising, walking, or just going out also improves anger.
Similarly, drinking a glass of cold water or a drink can also improve the nervous system.
Positive Use of Anger
Anger is a natural process but if we constantly try to suppress or hide it, it can lead to many personal and social problems for us.
We can make our lives and our families happier by controlling our anger as well as using our energy for better and more productive activities.
After a while of silence, when you or your child comes out of a state of anger, try the following measures.
To talk
Talk about anger and its causes, you can talk about it yourself with another person, as well as guide your child to talk about difficult topics with the right questions.
Find soothing engagements
Thought processing is very fast in the state of anger, it can be used in the form of mental activities such as writing, drawing, or painting and this activity can be very useful especially for children.
In addition, in a state of anger, the physical activity turns negative energy into a positive one. For this, you should make exercise a habit. You can control your nerves and emotions through restful sleep after physical exertion.
Last but not least, parents should be role models for angry children, because as parents you are the most influential factor in a child’s life.
When you start working on your anger control skills, not only do you share it with your children, but you also tell them the importance of it.
Parenting is definitely a tiring job and this fatigue is a big cause of anger but with a little mental and practical effort, you can overcome it as well as make it a good training tool for your children.