Filmmaker Rauf Wajahat and producer Shazia Wajahat’s son Aashir Wajahat’s upcoming film ‘John’ teaser has been released and it has been announced that it will be released soon. Sharing the teaser of ‘John’, Aashir Wajahat told the fans that he has worked hard in it and he hopes that people will like his hard work. Like her, actress Romaisa Khan also released the teaser of the film while producer Fiza Khanum, director Babar Ali and actor Raza Simon also released the teaser. It is difficult to understand the full story of the film by watching the teaser, however, there are indications that Aashir Wajahat will be seen playing the lead role in the film and Romaisa Khan will be seen romancing him.
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The teaser hints that Aashir Wajahat will be seen playing the role of ‘sweeper’ in the film, who may become a criminal after coming in contact with the wrong people. In the teaser, Aashir Wajahat is also seen walking in the company of young scavengers and criminals while he is also portrayed in a romance with Romaisa Khan. The story of the film is written by Babar Ali and he is the one who directed it while he is also the co-producer of the film. John has been produced by Fiza Khanum while several others are also co-producers of the film.
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The teaser of the film has announced that it will be released in cinemas soon, however, the release date has not been announced. Showbiz personalities and fans praised Aashir Wajahat for sharing the teaser of the film. Actress Zoya Nasir also commented on his post and praised his acting and at the same time wrote that ‘Bacha’ has grown up.
He praised Aashir Wajahat and wrote that he has performed like a seasoned actor in the film and he is looking forward to seeing his film. Like him, other personalities including Ayman Khan also praised Aashir Wajahat and fans also wrote that now he has grown up and is acting like a seasoned actor. Aashir Wajahat has also appeared in short roles in films before, while in some films and dramas he has awakened the magic of his voice as a singer.
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